Geer Park Elementary School

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

No Action Needed Letter

DATE: 1/27/2022 TO: Geer Park Elementary School Community  FROM: Dr. Jill Chochol Executive Director, Student Achievement RE: COVID-19 Case Identification There have been two positive cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) reported to Geer Park Elementary School. The...

Welcome Mr. Bukowski

January 27, 2022  Dear Geer Park Community,   As part of our ongoing effort to keep an open line of communication with our parents, I would like to take a moment to once again share information with you regarding the temporary placement of Mr. Ron...

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Thank you to our two parent volunteers who helped organize all of the coats, hats, etc. at the lost and found table near the gym. If your child is missing anything, please remind them to check this table. Thank you. Sincerely, Mr. Lawera

Covid-19 Case Identification Notice

DATE: 1/25/2022 TO: Geer Park Elementary School Community  FROM: Mr. Jamel Lawera, Principal RE: COVID-19 Case Identification There has been one positive case of coronavirus (Covid-19) reported to Geer Park Elementary School. The positive individual was on school...

Pictures to share from Geer Park Elementary….

Pictures to share from Geer Park Elementary….

Welcome to Geer Park 2022 - Mural in the cafe Lunch Recess Officer Aaron and a 1st grade student. Former Principal Mrs. Lamis Srour visits Geer Park Elementary last week. Thank you for visiting. Former Principal Mrs. Srour and Current Principal Mr. Lawera Principal...

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

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