District Calendar
Official Calendars
Parent Connect
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student Portal
Student links and resources.
School Playground: For the safety of all students, the playground is for school use only between the hours of 8:00 – 5:00 Monday-Friday. Thank you
Friendly Reminder: Please drive slowly at the intersections when picking up your child after school. Thank you
Thank you Mrs. Bazzi for helping to keep our students safe.
Staff parking Lot Gates are closed before and after school.
To help reduce the amount of traffic flow during arrival and dismissal times, these gates to this parking lot are closed. See the times below. Student Safety First. As of September, these gates will be closed during arrival and dismissal times. This will be...
Kindergarten Fun
Mr. Lawera presents and visits Ms. Chisek's kindergarten class.
FLL Jr. Robotics Video
Geer Park Elementary is one of many Dearborn schools to receive a LEGO Foundation grant for our two FIRST LEGO League Jr robotics teams. Our robotics students were asked to be part of a promotional video for the LEGO Foundation to show how the grant made the FLL Jr...
Emergency Information – Parent Connect
It is very important that all of our parents follow the steps to update your emergency contact information through parent connect. We use this information for calling home when a student is sick, knowing who can pick up your student during the day, and when sending...
Lunch at the Park
Mrs. Gutierrez eats lunch with her first grade students. Mrs. Fargo eats lunch with her first grade students. Ms. Krawczyk eats lunch with her first grade students. Principal Lawera & Dr. Chochol pose for a picture during recess. Fourth and fifth grade boys play...
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