Geer Park Elementary School

Class News

Important Announcements إعلانات مهمة

Geer Park Families, Two important announcements:1. We are holding a special "Black Tie" Iftar dinner for our 3rd through 5th Grade students. Please see the attached invite for more information, tickets go on sale tomorrow. Black Tie Iftar2. Parent Meeting on Thursday,...

Summer School مدرسة صيفية

Geer Park Families, Please be sure you enroll your child for the Summer Enrichment Program by the deadline on May 16th. We already have one grade level that is full! Reserve your child's spot today. Click here to register your child today! عائلات جير بارك ، يرجى...

April Newsletter and Calendar

Geer Park Families, please see the attached April Parent Newsletter from our interim principal, Mrs. Faraj. The newsletter is translated in Arabic as well. April Parent Newsletter Calendar of Events English Calendar of Events Arabic عائلات غير بارك ، يرجى الاطلاع على...

Literacy Night 4:30-6:00

Hello GP Families, This is a friendly reminder that tonight is Literacy Night from 4:30-6:00. Students will be dismissed at regular time, and may not stay and wait after school. They must attend with a parent or guardian over 21 years of age. Please join us for some...

Summer School Sign-Up

Summer Program Flyer Click on the flyer above for more information about our summer program, and the link to the online enrollment form. انقر فوق المنشور أعلاه للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول برنامجنا الصيفي والرابط إلى نموذج التسجيل عبر...

Parent/Family Survey. Please Complete

Dear Parent/Guardian,  We  want to hear from you. This survey is to help us understand the quality of services provided to learners and their families.  The survey results can be used to support the continuous improvement process and revisit school...

Kindergarten Round-Up TOMORROW @ 9:30

Kindergarten Round-Up TOMORROW @ 9:30

Geer Park Community Families,  If you have a child who will be entering Kindergarten in the Fall, please save the date this Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022 at 9:30am, for our annual Kindergarten Roundup Event! Kindergarten Roundup is an opportunity for families of...