Geer Park Elementary School

Online Chatting with the Superintendent event set for Jan. 27

“Tomorrow night (Jan. 27), Superintendent Maleyko will hold a virtual Chatting with the Superintendent for the community starting at 5:30.  The event will be held on Facebook and also streamed on YouTube.
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For more information, see our First Bell article.

Press Release #19/Jan. 26, 2021

“Dearborn Public Schools families and community members are invited to hear updates on various school matters directly from Superintendent Glenn Maleyko on Wednesday, Jan. 27.  

Dr. Maleyko will hold a live, online Chatting with the Superintendent event starting at 5:30 p.m.  Viewers can tune in via the district’s Facebook page or the YouTube or cable channels.  

Chatting with the Superintendent events are informal gatherings that allow the public to hear the latest information about the district and ask questions directly of the superintendent.  The meetings are less structured than school board meetings, allowing Dr. Maleyko and other administrators to answer questions. Questions can be submitted during the event on the district’s Facebook page or starting at noon that day via a Google Form.

Dr. Maleyko started holding Chatting events four years ago, offering a few each year at different school buildings.  Typically, he uses the event to provide updates about current issues in the district and then opens the floor for questions from parents, community members and staff in attendance.  (Those who want to discuss an individual student or staff member should arrange to talk privately with the school principal or the child’s teacher.)

“Four years ago, we discovered this relaxed setting allows for good conversations, the sharing of ideas and a platform that encourages open dialog,” Dr. Maleyko said.  “While we will not be meeting in person for this event, I still hope to have a good conversation with our community members.”by Katie Hetrick on January 26, 2021″