Geer Park Elementary School

Month: April 2020

Get Published!

Here's a great opportunity to get published!  Dearborn Big Read is working remotely. Dearborn students have until April 25 to turn in stories, poems, or essays on trees, flowers, friendship, gardens, mother earth, plants, or seasons. Students must fill out the entry...

Spring Break April 6th – April 10

District Message: "Hello April 6th through April 10th is spring break for the Dearborn Public Schools. During this week students will not need to complete any on-line assignments and teachers will not be available. Students and teachers are on break starting Monday...


Here are a couple of resources to help explain to your children what is going on and why they have to stay home. Here's a link to a video for younger children: Here's a link to a book for older children:...

Superhero Day

Spirit Week: Today is Superhero Day! Dress like a superhero. Make your own cape out of a blanket or something else at home. Exercise and send a picture or video to Mrs. Masiarczyk.