Geer Park Elementary School

Student Expectations and Grading…

Dear Students and Parents,

We hope that you and your families are doing well. Everyone at Geer Park misses you. We look forward to the day that we can all be together again at school. Until then, please stay safe, stay healthy and stay home.

In the meantime, please remember to check your teacher’s iblog site, google classroom, ilearn site, etc. for daily and weekly assignments. As you know, last Friday, “Dearborn’s Remote Learning Plan was approved by the state of Michigan.” The new plan started on April 20th. Please continue to do your daily assignments and communicate with your teachers.

We have included the following documents (above) for your review:

  1. Student-Continuity-of-Learning Expectations
  2. Parent-Continuity-of-Learning Expectations
  3. Dearborn-Parent_Student-Grading (During the -Continuity-of-Learning period)

Students will be graded on the work that they complete. The criteria is listed below.

Elementary Grading Criteria – COVID-19 School Shutdown

For the current (4th) marking period:

“Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments.

  • Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStar
    • High participation
  • Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • Limited Participation:  with one of the following explanations
    • Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)”

Again, students, please review all of this information, continue to check your teacher’s iblog site and emails, daily.

….and remember, communicate with your teacher if you have any questions.

P.S. – Parents, If your family is facing any difficulties at this time, please notify your child’s teacher.


Mr. Lawera and the Geer Park Team!